Friday, December 23, 2011

The Best Way to Avoid Divorce Is by Rebuilding Your Marriage

By []David G Read
You cannot expect everything to be perfect in relationships since nobody in this world is perfect. The fact is that you and your spouse will face travails and you have to deal with them successfully. You also need to learn from your mistakes and avoid doing things that will hurt your spouse. It is important to learn how you can save your marriage before small problems can cause the damaging effects that can lead to the dissolution of your union.
It is important to build a good foundation from the beginning. You should accept facts about your partner and love him or her unconditionally. You also need to bend accordingly to changes and to accommodate all that you have found out in the process of living together. If you have a good foundation, it will be handy when you face problems in your marriage. Sometimes, you will have to begin from scratch to save your marriage.
When faced with obstacles in your marriage, there are a number of things that you can do. One of them is talking things out with your partner. Make sure that you tell him or her how you feel and how much you are hurting. Processing such a feeling on your own is not healthy. If you say how you feel and how your thoughts are about the issues you have in your marriage, you should not speak to anyone else but your partner.
As you make your feelings known, you also need to listen. This involves opening your heart and mind to possibilities and other things that you may have not believed from the beginning. Listen to your partner as he or she gives his or her feelings and make sure that you understand them. Even though you may find it hard to forgive in relationships, it is essential for you to perfect such an act.
This involves forgiving your partner for any hurtful thing that he or she has done to you. You should forgive even if your mind gives you a hundred and one reasons not to do so. This is a great way to resolve your problems and be able to view things in another perspective. The other thing that you should do to rebuild your marriage is to find out why your spouse wants to leave you. The main reason for this could be the feeling that you are not meeting his or her needs even though you may be thinking that you are the perfect husband or wife.
Note that it is possible to save your marriage even if your spouse is not interested as much as you are in saving your union. One thing you can do is to get over your resentment and anger. You can then be able to work hard at becoming a person of value to your spouse. Your spouse will consider you to be valuable if he or she feels that you are meeting his or her needs.
For instance, as a wife, you should labor to become a great mother, keep the house spotless, cook delicious meals and treat your husband well. Another thing is to find out what he really wants. For example, you should not turn down his request to join him in the races if he wants to have fun in your company. This will prevent him from swapping you with a woman who is fun to be around with.
In order to prevent divorce or separation, you should avoid the distance that exists between the two of you by becoming emotionally valuable. This involves knowing what your spouse thinks and what he finds important. You also need to show your spouse that you cannot put up with disrespect and bad treatment.
Another thing is that you should not put up with bad behavior so that your spouse will believe that you are just as valuable as your competition for him. And I would like to tell you more at
Talk to you soon.
Article Source: [] The Best Way to Avoid Divorce Is by Rebuilding Your Marriage

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