Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Good Advice For Couples Who Have Marriages That Need a Transfusion

By []Kristie Brown
Saving a marriage that has deteriorated to the point of discussing divorce can be a major, uphill battle. It's up to each individual to examine their relationship and decide if it's worth keeping. You have to figure out what exactly is causing your marital break-up before you can decide what you want to do. If you're married to someone who is violent or otherwise abusive, you're probably best cutting your losses and getting out now. If the problem turns out to be a lot of little issues that have built up over time, and if you feel that your spouse still loves you and will be willing to work alongside you to make your marriage right again, then that's what you should do.
Every situation is different just like every person is unique, and you need to look deep to find the basic reasons why your own marriage may be floundering. Never assume that the problem is what you see on the surface. If your spouse is known to have been cheating on you, you can't just blame the problems on him or her. Instead, you have to discover what led them to seeking someone else. While there are some people who just cheat to say they did, most marrieds having adulterous flings are doing it because of clear-cut reasons they are unhappy with their marriages. For instance, the lack of a satisfactory sex life can cause some people to look outside their marriages for gratification.
Once you've thought over the reasons why your union isn't as close as it once was, you need to discuss them rationally with your spouse. Yelling isn't going to solve anything, so keep your temper in check. Most men are never going to be as communicative about their feelings as women are, so women need to encourage their spouses to talk things over. Ladies, attacking your mate is only going to make your spouse clam up even more, because he isn't going to want to reveal anything that makes him vulnerable to what you say. If you feel anger taking over your discussion, give yourselves time to cool down before tackling the problems again.
Reintroduction of intimate little moments in your relationship are going to do a world of good. Not that you have to dramatically express your love several times a day, but initiating little gestures, such as quick kisses and holding hands, will help your spouse realize that you really are serious about restoring your marriage.
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Article Source: [] Good Advice For Couples Who Have Marriages That Need a Transfusion

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